For employers/companies:
🔹 How much does it costs to post a job❓
You can publish your listing for 44.99 USD ($5 extra if you want it highlighted). The price includes taxes and for the time being it's a one-time payment plan. This amount help us maintain the site 🙂
🔹 How does the creation of a listing works❓
You go into this web and enter the information about your job offer. Then you can preview how the listing is going to show when job seekers click on it. Then you can proceed to the checkout.
🔹 Can I manage my listings❓
Yes, when you post your first listing you'll get a confirmation email with instructions on how to log in to your dashboard.
🔹 Can I edit my listing once I have created it and paid for it❓
Yes, you have 15 days to edit your listing. After that time is no longer posible to modify it.
🔹 Does my listing gets erased/disabled after some time❓
After six months the listing will be disabled, but you can still see it on your listings dashboard and you can also disable it from there at any time.
🔹 Can I get an invoice after publish a listing❓
Yes, you will need to specifically request to this email. The system is not yet automatic, it'll take from 5 to 10 days to generate the invoice. We use the data you entered at the checkout to create the invoice. If you require specific or different data to show on the invoice please specify it.
For jobseekers:
🔹 Where do I start to search for job❓
You can check all the available offers on the home page. There you'll also find a search field where you can enter specific keywords you want to look for. Also, we encourage companies to add tags to the job offers so applicants can filter their search through them.
🔹 As a jobseeker, Do I have to pay anything for applying to one of the jobs listed on WJ❓
No, you don't have to pay nothing. Seeking is free on this web.
🔹 What kind of companies post job offers here on WJ?❓
Well, the topic of this site is to be a source to find temporary, part-time, or weekend jobs. We hope that many companies that require these specific types of services advertise here. However, we have limited resources and we do not have the time for filtering all companies (we have hope in the common sense of the employers).
🔹 Can I trust the companies that posts job offers here on WJ?❓
As mentioned above, we hoped to be a source where you can find an ideal job, however, we can not verify the legal conditions or truth behind a job offer. Every listing has information and a link that redirects you to the company's application offer. It is up to you, the applicant to judge the legitimacy of the offer.
If you have more questions please contact us.